How do I find out if the library has my textbooks in the course reserves?


Searching for course reserves

You can search for course reserves in OneSearch, Mt. SAC's online library catalog.


  1. Make sure the "Search for" is changed from "Everything" to "Course Reserves"
    • Click the down triangle next to the microphone on the right and select "Course Reserves"
    • Or, in Advanced Search, select the "Course Reserves" radio button
  2. In the search box, you can search by typing in:
    • Course Code:
      • Example: Phil 3
      • Example: Phil3 (no space, to make it more unique in the search)
    • Course Name:
      • Example: Introduction to Logic
      • Example: Elementary Statistics
    • Course Instructor's Last Name:
      • Example: Komrosky
      • Example: Caldwell
    • Course Department
      • Example: PHIL (abbreviation in the Schedule of Classes)
      • Example: Philosophy (full name)
  3. Afterward prese "Enter" on your keyboard or click on the magnifying glass icon on the right

Note: Not all instructors place course materials in the Library. This means the Library may not have every course material being used and or required at Mt. SAC.


If you cannot find the course reserves item, you can:


Viewing the search results & library record

Viewing search results

Course reserves should be one of the first items displayed in the displayed search results.

A course reserves icon Course Reserves Icon will display below the title to denote that it is a course reserves item.

Viewing item's library record

  1. Click on the title of the item to view the item's library record.
  2. Pay attention to 3 areas in the Record to verify this is the item you need:
    • Brief information: This information is found at the top of the record and contains title, author(s), year of publication and the course reserves icon, so you can make sure it's the correct item.
    • Location(s) & Availability: This information is found in the FIND IT section and shows where the item is shelved (probably in the Reserve Collection at the check out desk) and if it's available for you to checkout. 
    • Course Information: This information is found in the DETAILS section and contains the course(s) and instructor(s) linked to the course reserve item, so you can confirm it's the correct item.

For more information Mt. SAC Course Reserves

  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2024
  • Views 218
  • Answered By

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