Does Mt. SAC library accept book donations?


Yes, we do. However, please keep in mind the following donations policy information:

  • Gifts are generally expected to supplement existing collections in support of the college's programs and teaching, or to provide the library with a core of materials of interest to the college community or to other library patrons.
  • Gifts of either materials or money to purchase them will be accepted provided they fit into the collection development policy.
  • Donors of materials may not impose restrictions on use of their gifts. Materials donated must be of such a nature that they can be integrated into the collection and not require special locations, facilities, control, or staffing. Once a gift has been accepted, it becomes the property of the Library.
  • Gifts are accepted with the understanding that materials not added to the collection will be disposed of in ways most advantageous to the library.
  • Because all items added to the collection generate processing and storage costs, materials received as gifts will be evaluated by the same criteria as materials purchased. If materials meet collection development criteria and are in good condition, then they will be integrated into the library’s collection based on approval by the Collection Development Librarian or liaison librarian.

You may drop off donations any time that the library is open at the Information Desk. Mt. SAC Library does not provide receipts of donations or valuations of donated items.

  • Last Updated Oct 18, 2023
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Cristina Springfield

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