How do I reserve a group study room?
To Book a Group Study Room
From the Mt. SAC Library Home Page, click on "Book a group study room." It's the second green circle under the OneSearch box.
You will see a list of available rooms and times. Green time slots are available for reservation, and the red slots have already been reserved.
Steps to reserve a room
- Decide which Study Room you want to reserve (note room capacity 4, 6, or 8 people)
- Select up to four green time slots
- Click "Submit Times" at bottom
- Double check room and time information and click "Continue"
- Enter your Name, your Mt. SAC student email, and your Student ID (or A) number
- It must be your Mt. SAC student email
- Click "Submit my Booking"
- You should receive an email confirmation (check your spam folder if you can't find it)
Other things to be aware of
- You can reserve 4 time slots per day
- You can reserve up to 4 weeks in advance (reserve early for finals week!)
- If you arrive and people are in the room, confirm your time and room number, and then politely let them know you have the room reserved
If you have any questions, please ask at the Information Desk