How do I find a book in the Library?


Searching for books

The Mt. SAC Library has both print and online books available.

To find either print or online books start your search at the Library’s homepage by typing in the title, subject, or author into the OneSearch search box in the middle of the page and clicking "search."

Online books

Online books are available to read online from off campus by logging in using your Portal username and password.

Physical books

Physical books are sorted first by collection (general, children's, reference, reserves, etc.) and then shelved by subject based on the Dewey Decimal Classification system (PDF). Most books in the library can be checked out for three weeks (there are a few exceptions such as reserve and reference books).

For more information visit our Finding and Evaluating Resources: Books guide, take our Finding & Evaluating Books workshop, or ask a help at the Information Desk in the Library. Librarians would be glad to help you look up books and also find them on the shelves. Just ask.


  • Last Updated May 28, 2023
  • Views 520
  • Answered By Hong Guo

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